**Physical copies are no longer available. Course materials can be downloaded after purchase**
**Physical copies are no longer available. Course materials can be downloaded after purchase**
Composing and Arranging

If you have always wanted to have the skills to arrange and orchestrate for groups, bands and orchestras, it is now possible to study at home by enrolling in the CAP (Composing and Arranging Program) and study at your own pace. This program is now available on video, covering the entire year course as taught by Dick Grove at his world famous Grove School of Music. It is like you are in the class. Your homework is personally critiqued by a professional arranger. This information is also completely adaptable to your electronic studio.
It is an awesome program, teaching at a level not found at any university or college! With our staff as your mentors, you receive a personalized approach from master teachers who will tell you the truth, solve your weaknesses and develop the ability within yourself to master your imagination. This course prepares you to compete as a free lance arranger, orchestrator and composer.
CAP is in reality, a musicianship program applied to writing - and you learn to orchestrate for all instruments (strings, brass, saxes, woodwinds, percussion, rhythm sections.)
A wonderful by-product of this course is that your own performance capabilities will improve dramatically. Of the hundreds of talented players who have studied CAP with Dick Grove, all will tell you that their own playing has moved to the next level because of the unique teaching methods incorporated into the CAP approach.
Your could spend $100,000.00 and study professional writing at some of the best known colleges and universities and not achieve the goals that are the foundation of CAP. This statement can be made because hundreds of graduates of these institutions have studied with Dick and all compare the differences between conventional school approaches and CAP as "night and day." Take a minute and read some of the endorsements and statements of musicians just like yourself that have done the CAP experience and see how they tell you what it has meant to them!
You work at your own pace (never a deadline!) deciding how much time you have to put into the course. You fax all of your assignments given on the videos to our teaching staff and then you receive a personalized critique from them that will astound you as to it's completeness and teaching values. You move from Quarter One through Quarters 2, 3 and 4 when you wish to move on, you only commit to one Quarter at a time, unless you opt to purchase the complete course at once to take advantage of the generous discounts.
Give us a call for a free consultation and a personal evaluation. There are many levels of participation available to fit every budget. Hundreds of talented musicians have gone through this famous program, and it has opened up another career for them!
Songwriters, producers, teachers and players have all found their interests served by this remarkable course!
It is an awesome program, teaching at a level not found at any university or college! With our staff as your mentors, you receive a personalized approach from master teachers who will tell you the truth, solve your weaknesses and develop the ability within yourself to master your imagination. This course prepares you to compete as a free lance arranger, orchestrator and composer.
CAP is in reality, a musicianship program applied to writing - and you learn to orchestrate for all instruments (strings, brass, saxes, woodwinds, percussion, rhythm sections.)
A wonderful by-product of this course is that your own performance capabilities will improve dramatically. Of the hundreds of talented players who have studied CAP with Dick Grove, all will tell you that their own playing has moved to the next level because of the unique teaching methods incorporated into the CAP approach.
Your could spend $100,000.00 and study professional writing at some of the best known colleges and universities and not achieve the goals that are the foundation of CAP. This statement can be made because hundreds of graduates of these institutions have studied with Dick and all compare the differences between conventional school approaches and CAP as "night and day." Take a minute and read some of the endorsements and statements of musicians just like yourself that have done the CAP experience and see how they tell you what it has meant to them!
You work at your own pace (never a deadline!) deciding how much time you have to put into the course. You fax all of your assignments given on the videos to our teaching staff and then you receive a personalized critique from them that will astound you as to it's completeness and teaching values. You move from Quarter One through Quarters 2, 3 and 4 when you wish to move on, you only commit to one Quarter at a time, unless you opt to purchase the complete course at once to take advantage of the generous discounts.
Give us a call for a free consultation and a personal evaluation. There are many levels of participation available to fit every budget. Hundreds of talented musicians have gone through this famous program, and it has opened up another career for them!
Songwriters, producers, teachers and players have all found their interests served by this remarkable course!
On Sale
On Sale
Composing and Arranging (PAYG)
Pay as you go per quarter.
Includes Video / Music / Ebook download
*After purchase you will be emailed a link to download the course materials*
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